A hallway with many pictures on the wall

The Weight is Over

Introducing our Weight Loss IV and Nutritional Counseling Program

Announcing our six week induction phase infusions incorporating iv vitamin and fat burning therapy infused every 2 weeks in our infusion suite with nutritional guidance and coaching by our ARNP followed by monthly infusions to maintain your weight loss.

This plan boosts metabolism and burns fat for results

Our weight loss IV consists of a proven Lipo-trophic blend of B vitamins, Carnitine and three fat burners Methionine, Inositil, and Choline, known as MIC, for ultimate fat destruction. Quick start pricing is $299 and $75 monthly for infusions thereafter.

How our Weight Loss IV boosts Your Metabolism & Burns Fat

Our weight loss IV has an essential blend of vitamins and minerals that will stimulate your metabolism and help shed those pounds getting in the way of that
favorite pair of jeans. The infusion purges toxins and regulates cholesterol with a specialized formula that increases your body’s innate ability to break down fat,
increase drive and build lean muscle. Helping your body lose weight and burn fat.

The IV does this by helping with the body eliminate fat through a specialized blend of vitamins and nutrients. Our combination of B vitamins, Methionine, Inositiol, the fat burner Choline (MIC) and L-carnitine aid in the creation of healthy cells, boosting energy, maintaining a healthy liver by preventing fat buildup, relieving
and preventing fatigue, managing stress through responses to the nervous system, and reducing blood cholesterol which all assist in maintaining changes to your diet, suppressing appetite, and elevating physical performance. This weight loss IV essentially helps your body work better so you can lose weight and burn fat more

Coupled with sensible workouts and healthy eating, the weight loss iv is the perfect complement to your active routine and nutritionally balanced eating habits.
Intravenous nutrition is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, and other natural substances directly into the bloodstream. Bypassing the digestive
system is the main advantage of intravenous therapy. Consider the program as your jumpstart inspiration to push you to a healthier, more energized, leaner you.

What’s In It?

B Vitamins are essential in the formation of new cells in the body. They also boost energy. As your energy levels increase, you become more active and as a
result your body will be able to burn more calories helping to increase your metabolism.

Methionine acts as a lipotropic agent. Lipotropics are necessary for the maintenance of a healthy liver, and for burning the exported fat for additional energy.

Inositol is related to the B vitamin family and is closely associated with Choline. It aids in the metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol. Inositol participates in the action of serotonin, and neurotransmitter, to control mood and appetite.

Choline promotes the breakdown of fat by transporting dietary fats throughout the body to your cells so they are promptly burned for energy.

Carnitine is a potent fat burner because it is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body.

Healthy Eating for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Poor diet quality may increase inflammation
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The association of body-mass index (BMI), smoking, and periodontitis with disease activity has been studied in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Yet, there are not many studies investigating the influence of the diet in disease activity in RA patients.

Berube, et al. conducted a cross sectional study on 84 patients ages 18 years or older, with a history of RA for 2 years or more, measuring 7-day weighed dietary food records. Diet quality was measured using Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2010, which has 12 components including nine adequacy in consuming total fruit, whole fruit, total vegetables, greens, beans, whole grains, dairy, total protein, seafood, plant protein, fatty acids, and moderation in consuming refined grains, sodium, and empty calories with standards to score each component. Duration of morning stiffness was associated with the HEI score. A decrease of 0.09 in HEI score was associated with an increase of 1 minute in morning stiffness duration even after adjusting for BMI. Although CRP was significantly associated with the HEI score, this association was insignificant after adjusting for BMI.

Another cross-sectional study in Sweden on 113 patients with RA revealed that DAS-28 was not associated with diet; however, patients with a higher-quality diet had lower ESR, CRP compared with patients with lower-quality diets in subgroup analysis. However, this was not adjusted for BMI. This study also showed that less than 10% of RA patients had a high-quality diet, which was consistent with the Berube, et al. study. This might be related to the patients' functional disability secondary to their underlying RA. Both of these studies are cross-sectional studies, and therefore do not provide any causal relations between RA disease activity and dietary modifications. It’s unclear whether poor-quality diet causes higher disease activity in RA patients.

While many factors could increase inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, some scientists believe that diet is a large contributor. "Despite indications from patients with RA that dietary intake impacts the disease, there is a great lack of research in this area," Linnea Bärebring, PhD, of the University of Gothenburg, and colleagues wrote in a recent article in Nutrients. The study included 66 patients who took questionnaires on their diets to establish a baseline. The researchers then compared food quality, compliance to diet recommendations, and disease activity scores. "The associations between dietary quality and inflammation seemed to be driven by the indicators of fiber intake and fat quality, and less by intake of discretionary foods," the researchers wrote. Higher dietary quality in RA patients was associated with lower inflammation, but no association was found between diet and disease activity. "Well-designed dietary intervention trials are needed to confirm that a high-quality diet can reduce inflammation in patients with RA," Bärebring and co-authors said. Another study, published in Nutrition and Health, sought to study the quality of diet in RA patients. A total of 84 participants completed 7-day weighed food records, had a fasting blood draw, and completed the Multidimensional Health Assessment Questionnaire to evaluate disease activity and functionality. "Adequacy components to improve include total fruit and total vegetables, as most participants failed to consume recommended intakes," wrote Lauren Thomas Berube, of the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University. "Moreover, only 2.4% of individuals with RA met the required intake of dairy and fatty acids, and only 26.2% met the required intake of whole grains."

For RA patients, the disability caused by their disease, along with medication side effects, may cause some to eat food that is less healthy. "Consequently, this population may purchase easy-to-eat convenience foods that require minimal preparation to avoid the physical burden of food shopping, cooking, and self-feeding," the authors explained. Healthcare professionals are key to making sure that their patients are eating what they should to stay healthy, the team continued. "Healthcare providers should educate individuals with RA about the importance of initiating and maintaining a healthy diet and encourage patients to meet recommended intakes of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats, and limit foods that are high in added sugar, solid fats, refined grains, and sodium."

While many patients are looking for a go-to diet or food choice that can ease their symptoms, healthcare providers support the mindset that a healthy diet and lifestyle are important to RA patients, rather than a specific type of food to consume or avoid. "Importantly, while RA still needs medications that are prescribed by healthcare professionals, diet and other things like exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy body weight and avoiding smoking cigarettes are things individuals with RA can do to improve their own health," Kevin Deane, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist at the University of Colorado, said via email.

Deane noted that although there is not a specific diet that RA patients should adopt, "some general guidelines that also fit with improved general health are that individuals should avoid refined sugars and high intake of fatty foods." Maintaining a healthy weight is more important than any particular diet, he continued."This is important, because individuals with RA may have a higher risk of heart disease than people without RA. Because of that, patients with RA should strive to maintain healthy body weight and get regular exercise. Individuals with RA should talk with their doctor for more details for their personal regimen." Arthur Mandelin, MD, PhD, of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, told the Reading Room that while some studies have found associations between some forms of diet and their RA, there is no definitive answer. "Simply because two things are observed together doesn't mean one caused the other," he said. "There is no particular dietary recommendation that has ever been scientifically found to reliably change the outcome in RA patients.

While it is true that there may be some individual patients who clearly appear to respond to adding this or avoiding that, no single change in diet can be recommended across everyone with RA." He noted that patients do often find diet changes that work for them, but there is not one solution that fits all patients. "I would estimate that of those RA patients who bring up a discussion of diet during their visits, perhaps 40% of them tell me they've found something that seems to help them. I think that's great news," Mandelin said. "The problem is that the diet changes each patient describes to me is different." Patients typically find these dietary changes that help their RA through trial and error, he noted. "It's also important to point out that patients are generally doing these things in addition to standard medical treatments and medications, not instead," Mandelin added. "I do have a small handful of patients who are trying to get better naturally without any medications, but when I look at my notes over time, I don't see evidence of measurable improvements." In addition, patients should be reminded to keep their healthcare team informed of any major changes in dietary habits, as there may be things that need to be monitored, Mandelin said.

LAST UPDATED 04.01.2019
Primary Source Nutrients Source Reference: Bärebring L, et al "Poor Dietary Quality Is Associated with Increased Inflammation in Swedish Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis" Nutrients 2018; 10: 1535.
Secondary Source Nutrition and Health Source Reference: Berube LT, et al "Diet quality of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2010" Nutrition and Health 2017; 23(1): 17-24.